If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000


Our primary focus is on educating the community to be suicide safe by providing a range of suicide prevention training programs.

Sadly, the Northern Territory has the highest rate of suicide in the country. But it’s important to remember suicide doesn’t begin as a death. It begins as painful feelings and circumstances that sometimes give rise to suicidal thoughts and actions. Suicidal thoughts affect as many as one in twenty people, and if we learn some skills, we’ll have an opportunity to intervene before those thoughts flow on to injuries or deaths.


Upcoming Training Dates

Training dates for upcoming courses will be available here

Upcoming Workshops: 


23rd - 24th March 2022

29th - 30th March 2022

12th - 13th April 2022

8th - 9th June 2022 (Alice Springs Correctional Centre)

16th - 17th June 2022


17th May 2022

3rd June 2022 Tennant Creek (funded by NTPHN)

Accidental Counsellor:

21st-22nd June 2022 (NPYWC) - closed

27th-28th June 2022 (Family Law Pathways Network) - closed

29th-30th June 2022 (Central Desert Regional Council) - closed

4th-5th August 2022 - open to community


15th June 2022 - Yr 11 students Centralian Senior College - closed

23rd June 2022 - Yr 11 students Centralian Senior College - closed

Youth Mental Health First Aid will be scheduled according to demand. 

Workshops are on offer throughout the Central Australian region (we can train offsite and travel upon community invitation). 

For more information call: 9853 1250 and speak to:  

Laurel Duffell: Education and Training Manager

Jordan Braver: Training and Development Officer 

Youth Mental Health First Aid

14 hours (4 consecutive mornings/2 full days)

This course teaches adults how to assist adolescents who are experiencing a mental health crisis or developing a mental health problem. 

What is Mental Health First Aid?  Mental health first aid is the help given to someone developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis.  The first aid is given until appropriate professional treatment is received or until the crisis resolves.

What is the Youth Mental Health First Aid course?  The fourth edition Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course is based on the international MHFA Guidelines.  These guidelines were developed using a consensus of mental health consumers, carers, and professionals from English speaking developed countries.  Further information at MHFA Guidelines

Who can attend a YMHFA course?  Any interested adult can attend.  Please note that this course is not for adolescents to attend.  This course is also not a therapy or support group, rather it is an education course.

Course Content:  The Youth MHFA course teaches adults how to assist adolescents who are developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis.

Developing mental health problems covered: Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, Psychosis, and Substance misuse.

Mental health crises covered: Suicidal thoughts and behaviours, non-suicidal self-injury, panic attacks, traumatic events, severe psychotic states, acute effects from alcohol or other drug misuse, and aggressive behaviours.

Participants will learn about adolescent development and the signs and symptoms of these mental health problems, where and how to get help and what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective.


  • $400 (including GST) for volunteers and not-for-profit organisations
  • $450 (including GST) for government employees and businesses.

Next Workshops:

Alice Springs

To be advised

Tennant Creek:

To be advised

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) refresher

Half-day workshop

This workshop is for people who have completed the 14 hours (2 days) Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) workshop.  The aim of the four-hour refresher course is to update and build upon skills learned during the YMHFA workshop.

It also gives the opportunity for those people who have completed the Accreditation, and who are currently still eligible to extend their Accreditation, to renew their Accreditation for another 3 years from the date of assessment. (Upon successful completion of the refresher online assessment.)

If you are unsure if you are eligible to extend your Accreditation or are currently accredited, please contact Mental Health First Aid Australia on (03) 9079 0200.

Cost:  $90.00 per person (incl GST)

Next Workshop

Alice Springs

To be advised

Tennant Creek

To be advised

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

A 2-day workshop

In ASIST, the emphasis is on suicide ‘first aid’: helping a person with thoughts of suicide to stay safe and seek further help. The vast majority of people with suicidal thoughts will find some way to signal their distress and their intent to harm themselves. ASIST training can help us see and respond to these invitations to help. The training provides participants with the confidence to ask about suicide and know what action to take.  By learning to recognise and assess someone with thoughts of suicide, participants become more effective at helping people at risk.

Who attends the workshops?

The workshop is relevant for general community members, mental health workers, physicians and nurses, teachers and school support staff, counsellors, youth workers, domestic violence support workers, drug and alcohol workers, police and corrections staff, clergy, volunteers,  tertiary students and accommodation workers.

How is the workshop presented?

The program uses a range of interactive techniques including case studies, simulations, skills practice, videos, overheads, workbooks, and audiovisuals. Participants also receive the Suicide Intervention Handbook to reinforce learning.


  • $275 incl GST for volunteers, individuals, and not-for-profit organisations
  • $360 incl GST for government and businesses

Time: 8.30am – 4.30pm each day. Lunch included.

Next Workshops:

Alice Springs

To be advised

Tennant Creek:

To be advised

ASIST 11 TuneUp (refresher)

Half-day workshop

The ASIST 11 TuneUp is a half-day workshop for improving participant comfort, confidence, and competence in using the Pathways for Assisting Life or PAL.

The ASIST 11 TuneUp provides participants with an opportunity to: Review learning from the ASIST 11 workshop.  Test and examine or review how ASIST 11 is applied in the real world or to share what they have learned from applications in the real world.  Recapture some of the experience of a caring community and networking opportunities from their ASIST 11 experience. 

Who attends the workshops?

This workshop is only for participants who have completed an ASIST Version 11 Workshop.  If you have trained with Lifeline Central Australia and are unsure which version of ASIST you completed, please contact our office and we can check are database

Cost:  $90.00 (including GST) per person

Time: 9am-12:30pm

Next Workshops:

Alice Springs:

To be Advised

Tennant Creek:

To be Advised

The 'Accidental Counsellor' Workshop

A 2-day workshop

Accidental counsellors are people who may not have formal qualifications or counselling experience but find they are placed in a counselling role by accident, as a result of requests for help from friends, colleagues, clients or others. They want to help, but are unsure how to respond appropriately and may be confronted with a whole range of difficult dilemmas.

This workshop aims to provide non-counsellors with a range of skills to work effectively with  people who may be distressed, agitated or in crisis. It gives participants a practical framework for managing these issues, while achieving a sense of structure and confidence in their work.  Topics include Communication, Reflective Listening, Qualities of Effective Counsellors, Counselling Skills, Limit Setting and Boundaries, Dealing with Crisis (including suicidal ideation), Debriefing and Self Care. This course draws on Lifeline’s vast experience in crisis counselling.

Training is experiential and activity based, focusing on developing awareness and understanding as well as practical skills.

This workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to:

  • Define attributes of an effective ‘Accidental Counsellor’
  • Identify a range of counselling skills relevant to their role
  • Practice a variety of communication skills including engagement, active listening and questioning
  • Develop skills to respond appropriately to aggressive or distressed clients, and crisis situations
  • Articulate clearly the boundaries of their own role with the client
  • Identify a variety of self care strategies.

Duration: 2 full days


  • $450 incl GST for volunteers, individuals and not-for profit organizations
  • $560 incl GST for government  and businesses

Participants who complete the training will receive a Lifeline Central Australia Certificate of Completion.

Next Workshop:

Alice Springs

Tennant Creek:

To be advised

SafeTALK (Suicide Alertness For Everyone)

Half day workshop

This program is designed to help participants see how misunderstanding and societal beliefs can cause otherwise caring and helpful people to miss, dismiss or avoid suicide alerts. The skills taught in safeTALK are designed to give participants a short, clear process that anyone over the age of 15 can follow to become a suicide alert helper in their community.

Cost:  $90.00 per person (including GST) for volunteers, individuals & not-for-profit organisations
$110.00 per person (including GST) for Government & Businesses

Time: 9am-12:30pm

Next Workshops:
Alice Springs: To be advised
Tennant Creek: To be advised

safeTALK Train the Trainer (T4T)

A 2-day course

The safeTALK Training for Trainers (T4T) program is a 2-day course that provides basic preparation to become a safeTALK trainer.  It is an essential requirement for anyone wanting to deliver safeTALK workshops.  During the T4T there will be a focus on a positive learning environment, encouragement of open and honest discussion, respect for differences, support of each other, and plenty of opportunities for active participation.  You can expect it to be hard work, with an emphasis on the seriousness of suicide and the part you can play in helping communities become safer.

The course assumes prior training experience and that you have already attended an ASIST workshop within the previous 2 years.  The cost for this training event is $1,650 which includes all training materials, low ratio of trainer to participants, catering for the 2 training days, and ongoing trainer support.  Transport and accommodation not included.

When: To be advised

Where: To be advised

Time:  8:30am-5pm both days

Cost: $1,800 per participant (plus GST)

Ph: (08) 8953 1250 

Who to contact

Laurel Duffell

Education & Training Manager

Call: 08 8953 1250
Email: lduffell@lifelinent.org.au

Lifeline Central Australia

P.O Box 65 Alice Springs NT 0871

Call: 08 8953 1250